Please let us know who will be coming along so we can get an idea of numbers.
You can email Brad at: bradshilton@gmail.com
Note: The Junior Weekday Programme runs only during school term times.
Friday afternoon session
Included in your annual membership fee. This is an introductory session, a chance to get out and give golf a go,
learn some basic skills and games and meet some new friends.
All the equipment is provided so come along and have some fun.
3:30pm - 4pm : 6 - 10 year-old
4pm - 5pm : 10 years +
Tuesday Training session
The next step on from Friday golf is the Tuesday afternoon group, running from 4pm - 5pm. This is for the kids who have started to play some golf out on the course and are ready to do some more learning. Players will need their own clubs.
There is a cost associated with this (TBC). Up to 10 sessions starting at 4pm on Tuesdays during the school term.
Wednesday afternoon: Junior Twilight
This is for junior players of any age who can get around 9 holes with minimal supervision and ideally have a handicap. Need to be happy to mix with other kids of varied ages and play some mixed formats each week.
Tee times will be set aside from 3:30pm, playing a 9-hole team competition.
Sunday Morning Golf
We have up to 4 tee times set aside most Sundays for juniors and their families. Juniors must have a handicap and be easily capable of keeping pace in a busy Sunday field.