AGM 2023
An important part of the Annual General Meeting process involves the election of Club Officers for the 2023-2024 year and we wish to advise members of the current positions of our elected Officers:
Currently Mr Stuart Nicholls, is currently in the middle of his elected two year term.
Director x 2
Currently Grahame Cope, is currently in the middle of his elected two year term.
Currently Colette Kraus, is completing her elected two year term and is seeking re-election.
Mens Captain
Currently Gary McAlister, is currently in the middle of his elected two year term.
Mens Vice Captains x 2
Currently David Allott, is currently in the middle of his elected two year term.
Currently Michael Jung, is currently in the middle of his elected two year term.
Ladies Captain
Currently Felicity Sotheran, is completing her elected two year term and is seeking re-election.
Ladies Vice Captains x 2
Colleen Bergin, is currently in the middle of her elected two year term.
Alison Richardson, will be standing down from her role of Ladies Vice Captain, we will therefore require an election for the Vacant Ladies Vice Captain’s position.
In summary, the Election Positions which will be open for nominations this year are:
1 x Director – as above Current Director is seeking re-election
Ladies Captain - as above Ladies Captain is seeking re-election
Ladies Vice Captain – as above, one position vacant.