Hi all,
I have been asked for clarification about our definition of "Abnormal Ground Conditions" and how to proceed if a ball is lost in such conditions.
Our Local Rules define abnormal ground conditions as follows:
7. Areas of “Spongy Turf" - defined as ground that significantly changes shape when a player applies weight to it, yet no temporary water appears on the surface. For a ball not found in G.U.R, proceed under Rule 16.1e.
Both the player and the players marker need to be "virtually certain" that a ball which cannot be found has landed in an area which meets this definition. In this case the player may proceed and drop a ball ( without penalty ) where the line of abnormal ground was deemed to have been crossed.
A ball which has been hit into the trees cannot meet this definition even if the ground underneath the tree is wet and soft.
I'm sure there are plenty of differing circumstances other than these two examples but please remember the main criteria to be satisfied before continuing are the words " virtually certain"!
Congratulations to Jeff Latch who scored two x two's on Saturday 3rd June to win the $1,000 jackpot. It seems that two x 2's are harder to come by these days so we will continue with all holes being in play for the jackpot to apply - rather than selected par 3's.
Last Saturday was qualifying day for the Captains and Vice-Captains trophies. The top 32 on the day are now in the draw ( see attachment ) for this handicap matchplay event. If you have qualified for this you will need to contact your opponent and arrange your own match ( contact details of all members can be found on the Waitemata Golf Club website - you need to log in to access the member directory). All first round matches need to be completed by Sunday 25th June. Matches can be played anytime that suits both players but if no agreement can be reached then the default day for the match to be played will be Saturday 24th June. If you are the match winner please remember to update the draw sheet in the Mens room.
Good luck to all participants
Gary McAlister
Mens Club Captain