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Rainfall Update

With another 38mm of rain falling in the last week it feels like a long time since we were able to provide some positive course updates. With the days getting longer, hopefully we're starting to come through the other side, and are set for a long hot summer. 

The above updated graph shows the ongoing rainfall situation in Auckland showing record rainfall for the year, it's also worth remembering that this is on top of a very wet end to 2022. 

When we do get a break from the rain the course is draining relatively well however there is very little heat to assist with the drying process. 

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Course Care

With the weather still being relatively cold and grass growth minimal, putting sand in divots has minimal effect at this time of year. It's therefore recomended to replace divots to help the greens staff in maintaining the course at this time of year, we still encourage the carrying of sand for times that this is not possible or to sand around replaced divots. 

We appreciate your ongoing help in caring for your course.



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Lost Club

Women’s RH XXIO Sand Iron

Probably lost on the 9th hole near (or in) the bunker.

Lost on the 9th August.

If anyone found it please email: or drop into the Pro's Shop







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Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
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