Facility Developments
Those of you who have been at the club in the last couple of weeks will have seen that we have been able to start work on some long planned projects.
We have been replacing the tabletops on the upstairs tables re-using the existing bases. These have been given a paint and freshen up by Urville with the help and support of Tom Chandler (thanks Tom).
New chairs arrived today, and will replace the old ones that we will gradually swap over in the coming weeks. We did look at the option of getting the existing chairs re-covered and the broken backs fixed, however this was more expensive than replacements.
Prep work also started on filling in the cracks on the building exterior to ensure it remains water tight. Until the scaffolding went up and we were able to get up close, we didn't realise how bad some of it was. We're confident that in taking this preventative action, it will help to reduce the need for more expensive repair work into the future. Please take care around the scaffolding and avoid using the back stairs to the deck, unless required in an emergency.
As always, there's more to do but we will keep on chipping away at things, based on finances and whether we can secure some additional grant funding.