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Power Outages- Saturday 22nd June 2024

Please be aware that throughout the day there will be power outages. Vector are completing some upgrades in the area. We are unsure how long this will last for. To assist with this;

  • Scorecards will be printed later today.
  • Please bring cash if you can or use your house account for purchases
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Exclusive Green Fee Offer (Monday- Friday Only)

Omaha Golf Club has offered members of Waitemata an exclusive green fee rate to play Monday to Friday. From Monday 24th June until Friday 2nd August you can play at Omaha for $40. Please book through Dotgolf or call Omaha on 09 422 7551.




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Hole in One Wine

Club members scoring a hole in one in a club competition receive a trophy and 3 bottles of the Dunleavy family’s wines including their Te Motu wine.  Te Motu’s 2020 vintage released earlier this month, ranked number 1 in Wine Folio’s NZ Bordeaux tasting. Many top names did not make the cut for the Top 10 of which the other 9 wines were all big hitters from Hawkes Bay.  This annual tasting is probably the most comprehensive judging of the quality of NZ’s Bordeaux style wines. You can see the full review at .

We are delighted to hear that NZ’s top ranked Bordeaux for this year will be included in our hole in one wine package when after the remaining and also fantastic 2019 vintage have been won. The good news is that you do not have to wait for a hole in one as you can buy this wine now at Te Motu have offered our club members a special deal of 15% off the release price and free shipping if you use “Waitemata” as the code for online purchases for a limited time. Or contact Rory at to join Te Motu’s wine club for an even better deal.

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Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
Waitemata Golf Club Facebook

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