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10% Loyalty - House Account

We're pleased to inform members that they will now receive 10% loyalty back onto their House Account when making a purchase at the Bar, Cafe, or Kitchen with their House Account. This now includes both food and drink purchases.

You can top up your House Account at any of our kiosks using cash or a debit / credit card. Alternatively, you can top up via the Golf NZ website.



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Blinds Installed

Our new blinds have just been installed on the upstairs deck seating-area. They should help keep down the wind / rain chill on cold days - perfect for winter!

Come upstairs and try it out.


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Stuck in the Mud

We ask that members be aware of conditions if choosing to park on the grassy areas outside the concrete carpark bounds. We've had a few members get stuck; one even required a tow-truck to get out. Please note that our greenkeeper vehicles are NOT equipped to handle towage. Park here at your own risk.



First Aid Course

Our staff are undergoing a First Aid Training Course on Monday, the 19th August 2024. There are still a few spaces available on the course, so we thought we'd offer it out to members. If you're interested in gaining a first-aid certification; then please email Marlies on:

We will fill the available spaces on a first-come, first-served basis.



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Signal Hill

Apologies for an error in last week's email. The 10% discount advertised as part of the Signal Hill Restaurant was incorrect. There is however, a 10% loyalty offered at Takapuna Bar - please talk to their staff to find out more.


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Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
Waitemata Golf Club Facebook

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