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Saturday - Function

There will be a private function upstairs in the clubroom on Saturday 16th November. The Clubhouse will therefore be closed to members / public from 5pm onwards.

We apologise for any inconvenience.



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House Account - Your Photo

The ProShop has now been setup with a camera – the Staff there would love to take your photo and upload it into the system. This will mean that when you make a purchase using your House Account, the staff will see your photo – thereby verifying your identity. 

This will avoid confusion when using our House Account system to pay for items at the Clubhouse. 



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Clothing Donations

Thank you for all the clothing donations for the Vanuatu children. NO MORE donations are needed (suitcases are full now!).

We appreciate members' generosity with this.



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Our Golfers

Follow along on our new Newsletter addition - introducing some of our members, one golfer at a time. Get to know your golfing family!


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Mark Rodway 

Handicap: 10.5 

How long have you been at WGC: 33 years or so. 

Favourite Hole: No favourite hole because I have issues with all of them. 

What’s the best golfing tip you’ve been given? Slow down. Don’t rush your swing.  

What’s your favourite thing about WGC? I’ve made some really great friends, people I’ve played with over the years. There’s a great, fun culture – so many good people around. 

I help out with Lad’s Army (volunteer clean-up crew) and Restoring Takarunga Hauraki (pest control and planting / weeding) so I’m often round the place. 


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Waitemata Golf Club Tee Booking Policy

The downside to our current thriving membership base is that there is a serious amount of pressure on tee times. This is now the case throughout most of the week.
While we are doing our best to create as many tee times as possible, with priority to members for a large majority of the week, there are only so many times available. We are aware it can be difficult for members to make bookings at their preferred times, therefore enjoying a benefit of their club membership.
We are regularly seeing start sheets that were almost 100% full 1 or 2 days out, left with 20-30 unused tee times.
Obviously, there are circumstances where a late cancellation is unavoidable, but members who are regularly cancelling their tee time last minute or just not showing up to play means that others have limited or no opportunity to utilise unused time slots.
While we can put club tee booking policies in place and try to crack down on those who are not following these policies, essentially this all comes down to each member making sure they are doing their bit to allow all members to be able to get the most out of their booking opportunities.

Guidelines of what is expected of members in the use of the booking system:
This is a further request for ALL members to respect the interest of all members of our club by following these guidelines;
? Only book tee times which you intend to use
? Cancel any booking that will not be used as soon as possible to allow others a chance to play.
An acceptable period for cancellations is 24 hours prior to a tee time
? DO NOT make a booking on behalf of another player who may not be intending to play
? Check in with the PRO SHOP STAFF a minimum of 10 minutes before your tee time

If you have had trouble booking a time you want, try using the waitlist feature. Put yourself on the waitlist in the timeframe that you’d like to play and keep an eye out for any cancellations which will automatically move your booking into the start sheet.

Staff will create periodic No-Show reports. Members who repeatedly fail to turn up for their tee time or cancel bookings at short notice will have their Online Booking Rights revoked for a period of 2-3 weeks.
If these behaviours continue, the members online booking rights may be suspended for longer periods, followed by playing right being removed if necessary.
For unavoidable emergency no-shows; please email your reason directly to to avoid penalties being applied to your membership (as well as cancelling your tee time ASAP).

Weather: Weather conditions will be noted and applied as appropriate to any no-shows.
If you'd like more information, please contact Brad at

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Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
Waitemata Golf Club Facebook

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