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Hamper Day

Great to see so many players out for Hamper day last Sunday and final prize giving. There is always a great atmosphere in the club when shotgun events happen.

Congratulations to Lesleigh Johnson and Kaye McAlister for winning the day with a combined best ball of 48 points from Paul Dunleavy and Mike Hare on 47 points.

Final Musings

There are some exciting new events planned for next year which we will let you all know about in due course, some refreshing of existing events and some new ones to try and keep things fresh and members engaged as well as listening to the feedback about the length of some competitions and the way they are run.

As we finish this year let's also pause to remember those members who unfortunately passed this year who all contributed to the club.

Have a safe Christmas and New Year and we look forward to seeing you all again next year. 


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Free Skin Spot Checks- Melanoma NZ

We will be hosting Melanoma NZ on Wednesday 17th December from 9.30am until 1.30pm. This is a unique opportunity to receive a five-minute and non-invasive spot check* from a trained melanoma Nurse Educator and learn life-saving advice and information about melanoma.

*Please note that the Nurse Educator will check up to 3 spots. This is not a full body check, and a diagnosis is not provided. Regular full body skin checks by your GP, dermatologist, surgeon, or plastic surgeon are still recommended.

No appointment is necessary. However, as this is a public event, spot checks will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.



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Hydrowick Drainage

You may have noticed some unusual machinery on the course over the last couple of days. This is due to Course Developments with our new drainage system - so far implemented on the 11th and the 6th Greens. 

Hydrowick is an innovative drainage system designed to address surface moisture and ponding water, common issues that can significantly affect the quality and usability of turfs. Hydrowick is designed to be both effective and minimally invasive, ensuring that your turf remains in top condition with minimal disruption to its use. This means that although the work was only carried out this past Tuesday and Wednesday, the greens are already playable! We do apologise if your round of golf was affected during this time; but we hope you will agree that this will have been worth it in the long run. 



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Our Golfers
Follow along on our new Newsletter addition - introducing some of our members, one golfer at a time. Get to know your golfing family!



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Russell Hay

Handicap: 24.9 

How long have you been at WGC: Since 2000 

What got you interested in golf?:  

I used to play golf a lot casually. I worked shift work so we would go and play golf after work, but I got serious about it when I gave up playing cricket. 

What’s your favourite hole here and why?:  

The 11th. It’s short, but tricky. It’s one of those holes where it doesn’t matter what your handicap is, you’re all kind of on the same level. 

What’s the best golfing tip you’ve been given?: 

For chipping, hinge and hold. Hinge backwards, hold going forwards. 

What’s your favorite thing about WGC?: 

For me, it’s the social aspect. I’m a part of three different groups, playing Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Although there is a lot of cross reference in terms of the players involved, they're three different types of groups and I really enjoy that. Although we all play golf and have that in common, you always tend to end up with a fairly eclectic group of people. For me, it’s about the humor and friendship that brings, and just having a good time together.  

Anything else you’d like to mention?: 

I'm quite proud to belong to this club. We were number one golf club in the country a while back and that was for a reason. I really like the fact that we’re very connected within the Devonport area and that we’ve created a community, there's not too many city golf clubs that can say that. I'm quite proud of that. 


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Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
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