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Auckland Anniversary - Monday

Celebrate Auckland Anniversary with us this Monday 27th January! We’ll be opening the bar at 2pm.



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I apologise in advance but my newsletter this week does start with a bit of a rant.


If you have played recently you will have seen the new paths being put in around the course to tidy it up and also give players clear directions for trundlers, carts etc when playing. Can players please use common sense when moving around greens and tee blocks and try not to use narrow areas between bunkers and greens to push trundlers and instead add a few extra steps into your day by walking further away from the greens and preserve the grass integrity.

The greenkeepers have a thankless task to keep our course in good shape which is not helped by players who have little regard for helping keep it that way. The number of players I see who don't carry sand to repair divots, don't carry a pitch repair tool (or refuse to repair their pitchmarks) and yank the pins out to get their balls is disappointing. It is all of our responsibility to help keep our course in the best possible condition so let's all aim to improve this area within our playing groups and in general.

Mens Dress Code.

Gentleman and Junior Members, we are a club and not a public course. There is a dress code for men that includes a collared shirt, no denim (this means no Jorts) and no beachwear.....please try to maintain a tidy level of dress on the course and if bringing guests ensure they are aware as well please.

Now the non-rant.

Events 2025

We kick off the events this year with Round 1 of the Pengelly Trophy on 1.2.2025 and then round 1 of the Summer Cup on 8.2.2025.

We are holding a Club Day on 15.2.2025, details to follow.

The Mens club Champs - Strokeplay start on 22.2.2025 and finish with rounds on Saturday 8.2.2025 and then the Sunday 9.2.2025. 

All events can be found on the Waitemata Golf website under the members section then events calendar. 

Please ensure when you enter events like the Club Champs you can commit to the days it is set to run and you familiarise yourselves with the dates before entering.


Carden Mulholland

Mens Club Captain.


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Our Golfers
Follow along on our new Newsletter addition - introducing some of our members, one golfer at a time. Get to know your golfing family!

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Sylvia McQuilkan 

Handicap:  44.5

How long have you been at WGC:  Around 20 years. 

What got you interested in golf?:  I used to play tennis, but then I broke my wrist in a car accident and couldn’t play anymore. Golf became the next best option, and it was a natural transition since, back then, a lot of girls moved from tennis to golf over time. 

What’s your favourite hole here and why?:  The 8th. It’s the easiest one for me, and I tend to do pretty well there. And, 8 is my favorite number.  

What’s the best golfing tip you’ve been given?:  Keep your head and shoulders down. If you lift them, you might as well forget about it, it’s that simple! 

What’s your favorite thing about WGC?: The friendships, I love playing with the ladies. It’s very social, and great exercise too. It’s a great club to be a part of. 


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Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
Waitemata Golf Club Facebook

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