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Bayleys ProAm 2025
Thanks to all our wonderful teams, pro’s and especially our Sponsors who helped create an AMAZING ProAm event on Monday. 

We wouldn't have been able to do it without you:

Bayleys Real Estate

North Harbour Club & Charitable Trust

Te Motu Wines

The Clubroom

Cobalt Interiors

Gallagher Insurance

Lexus North Shore

Zeden / Ranga

Fairview Windows & Doors

On Fire Design

Harrisons Commercial

Craigs Investment

First Mortgage Trust

On Par

Our winning team on the night consisted of: Clem Gherardi, Paul Leonard, Aidan Noone and their Pro Jared Edwards. Congratulations team! Their Score was 90 (Stableford).
Our winning Pro was Jimmy Zheng with a Gross Score of 65.

Honourable mentions also to our second place team: Pablo Garcia-Curtis, Mike Atkinson, Blake Douglas and their Pro Rhys Thomas.

Third place team: Mitchell McIntyre, David Ingram, Alex Hill and their Pro James Tauariki

Second Place Pro - our own Brad Shilton!

Third Place Pro was Dongwoo Kang


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Sunday Mixed Pairs

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that early registrations for our first Mixed Pairs event close this Sunday 16th February. Entries will still be open up to the day of the event but only on a space available basis - full details are:

Date: Sunday 2nd March

Format: 4BBB Stableford [18 holes]

Cost per person: $10 for members and $55 for non-members [ Visitors welcome ] - Waitemata Nine Hole members $25

The start sheet on the day will be a two tee set-up commencing at 11.30am

Enter as a pair or individually and we will endeavour to match you up. 

Prizegiving will follow the golf - the prize fund will be the total of the entry fees received

Please register for this event by 16th February, by email to either Pauline at or Gary at The entry fee is payable on the day.

At this stage we have three men without golf partners - so we would love to hear from any ladies without a golfing partner

Pauline Bridgman & Gary McAlister





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Course Selection for 18H Women players

For all 18H Women’s competitions the designated course is the Royalist-Leander Composite Course.   Play is from the White (Royalist) tees except on Holes 13, 16 and 17 when play is from the forward Blue (Leander) tees. 

Please make sure you have made the correct Course selection before printing your card.

 Also make sure you play from the correct Tee position. If you score a hole but played from the wrong tees, it does affect handicap calculations.  And even worse, penalty strokes should be applied.

When playing a casual game you can choose any course, but for any round played all cards must be entered. This will provide an accurate record of your handicap.

Clothing on the course

Whether you are playing 9 or 18 holes of golf, you are spending a long time outdoors.  Clothing that is designed for a workout in an air conditioned gym will not protect you from skin damage caused by too much exposure to the summer sun.  Fortunately there is now a great range of golf appropriate clothing available…please think of your future bodies and consider covering up.


Felicity Sotheran

Women’s Club Captain


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It’s Club Day tomorrow! Thanks to everyone who’s signed up. You’ll have received an email confirming that you’re in and whether you’re playing in the AM or PM slot. You won’t yet have received your starting tee. Please be patient with this; due to always having so many last-minute changes we’re putting off posting the draw until this afternoon / evening. 

Note that the prizegiving will be held after the PM event – and we’d love it if all players could be there (whether you’re playing morning or afternoon). 

If you have any other questions about Club Day please email Brad directly on:


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Membership Payments

Thanks to all the members who've already sorted their membership payments.

We just remind you that we only accept two forms of payments: one-off invoice paid in full or monthly direct debit instalments. We do NOT accept random automatic payment instalments.

Direct Debit Members: As long as your Bank Account details have not changed then your Direct Debit payments will simply roll over into the new year – there is nothing further for you to action.

If you have any questions about your invoice / payments then please email



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Our Golfers 
Follow along on our new Newsletter addition - introducing some of our members, one golfer at a time. Get to know your golfing family! 


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Howard Mace

Handicap: 34.4 

How long have you been at WGC?: Since 1988.  

What got you interested in golf?: It started when I was serving in the Air Force, and they gave me time off in the afternoon to play golf. Then, I spent some time in the UK and played a bit there. When I returned to New Zealand, I got very involved in the golfing community, and served as club captain and vice president at various clubs. 

What’s your favourite hole here and why?: The 12th. I’ve had two holes in one on that one so it’s a personal favorite. 

What’s the best golfing tip you’ve been given?: Watch the club hit the ball.  

If you could play a round with anybody (a foursome) who would you pick, and why?: Ryan Fox, Daniel Hillier, and Kazuma Kobori.  

Where would you like to play one day, and why?: Royal Auckland. I’ve played there before, but I would love to go back one day.   

What’s your favorite thing about WGC?: The camaraderie and community involvement. It’s great to see the young golfers out there, it’s nice to see we’ve got a bright future at this club. 


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Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
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