Howard Mace
Handicap: 34.4
How long have you been at WGC?: Since 1988.
What got you interested in golf?: It started when I was serving in the Air Force, and they gave me time off in the afternoon to play golf. Then, I spent some time in the UK and played a bit there. When I returned to New Zealand, I got very involved in the golfing community, and served as club captain and vice president at various clubs.
What’s your favourite hole here and why?: The 12th. I’ve had two holes in one on that one so it’s a personal favorite.
What’s the best golfing tip you’ve been given?: Watch the club hit the ball.
If you could play a round with anybody (a foursome) who would you pick, and why?: Ryan Fox, Daniel Hillier, and Kazuma Kobori.
Where would you like to play one day, and why?: Royal Auckland. I’ve played there before, but I would love to go back one day.
What’s your favorite thing about WGC?: The camaraderie and community involvement. It’s great to see the young golfers out there, it’s nice to see we’ve got a bright future at this club.