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Upcoming Events

Kicking off on the 2nd March - Sunday Mixed Pairs -If you're interested in taking part, send a email to either Pauline at or Gary at

10th, 11th, 12th March - Interservices Comp. We've limited changes to the regular Start Sheet as much as possible; but there will be some interruption. Monday Start Sheet is now a two-tee start; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday have been kept as similar as possible (to the usual) with preference given to recurring competition times.

23rd February - Junior Pennants - teeing off at 8:42 til 9:38. Eight of our Juniors will be in action for this event.

27th February & 6th March (both Thursdays) - Corporate Event Days - Startsheet will be different (closed in the afternoons to bookings.

17th, 18th, 19th March - Course Closed due to Coring.


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A reminder to all...

All players (even those playing by themselves) are to only have two tee shots per hole (max); and two balls per green.


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Bag Tags are back!

We'll be ordering Bag Tags for all paying Waitemata Golf Club at the club. Pick yours up from the ProShop along with your new membership card.

We ask that you display your tag prominently on your golf bag at all times.

Note: your won't be available for pick-up until your membership fees are paid for this year (for Direct Debit members, that'll be after the first successful instalment payment on the 1st of March 2025). Bag Tags will be ordered in bulk lots every week-or-two.


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Club Day

A great turnout for last week's club day and great to see so many people up in the bar afterwards.

Some amazing scores on the course saw Sungmo Koo, Tim Koo, Youn Soo and Simon Youn end the day with a net 52.5 from a team of 3 of Pete Hodge, Laine Davies and Hamish Thomson on 52.8.

Upcoming Events

Round 2 of the Summer Cup 22/2/2025

Round 2 of the Pengelly Trophy 1/3/2025

Arrival at the Course

When you arrive at the course, if you are bringing guests it is your responsibility to ensure they pay their green fees when you check in and get your card. 

Please read the local rules board, grab your sand bucket and check the new electronic starters Board outside the office. Please do not just tee off when you think you have a gap as there are often other players down to play in Groups and we are finding more and more players are being left behind and thinking they are going to be playing with others which causes more delays and issues on the course. Golf is about playing with other members and meeting more people so please stick to your tee time unless advised by the Pro Shop or Starter that you can change.

At the end of your round return your sand bucket to the rack and don't leave them in the car park please, enter your card then support the club either at the cafe or the bar/kitchen!


Carden Mulholland

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Our Golfers  
Follow along on our new Newsletter addition - introducing some of our members, one golfer at a time. Get to know your golfing family! 

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Derek Armstrong

Handicap: 17.6 

How long have you been at WGC?: I first played here in my 20s but it was on and off over the years. I only just rejoined three years ago.  

What got you interested in golf?: I grew up on the other side of the golf course and my father was a life member here. I remember as a kid, we would grab our clubs, get on our bikes and go out to play, either here or at Takapuna. So golf has always been a big part of my family and childhood.  

What’s your favourite hole here and why?: The 18th. It’s a bit of a challenge, and the green can be quite difficult sometimes.  

What’s the best golfing tip you’ve been given?:  Slow it down and don’t hit the ball so hard.  

If you could play a round with anybody who would you pick, and why?: Ryan Fox, I recently missed out on an auction at the rugby club for a golf experience with him. I would’ve loved to play with him, he seems like a great character! I’d also love to play with Lydia Ko.  

Where would you like to play one day, and why?: Pebble Beach Golf Links in California, simply because of its fame and prestige.  

Do you have any long-term personal golfing goals that you’re working towards? Getting a lower handicap.  

What’s your favourite thing about WGC?:  The club atmosphere. Everyone knows each other, we all get along, the club is run really well, and the staff are lovely. 


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Reminder for all members

Note that all invoice payments are due by the 1st March 2025. 

Thank you to all who have already paid!

If you are already paying by monthly direct debit instalments then there is nothing for you to action - your payments will go out automatically on the 1st of each month.

If you want to start paying by monthly direct debit then please email:

We accept only two membership payment methods. Either monthly direct debit or invoice paid in full. We do NOT accept instalments via automatic payment or sporadic transfers.



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Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
Waitemata Golf Club Facebook

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