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How great has this weather been? Especially for the roll on our ball! I have hit some great shots and benefitted from a nice roll on. Even though meterological summer is over this week I feel we have many more sunny days of golf ahead. 

We are into our new competitions, held on Tuesdays now—Sue Bent Salver and the Ann Old Putting Trophy. Please make sure you are entering these each Tuesday. You don't need to change how you play just because you have entered the competition. It is all about being in to win, and consistent participation goes a long way.


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Pennants Captain's Report

Bring it on, girls. This is real news...woo hoo! The 9-hole women's pennants team had their first win in a while!

This week's team of Penny Elliott, Helen Holtes, Jules Doddrell, Prue Gard, Kirsty McDonald, and Jessie Zhang did us proud, especially the four 'new' players who won 3 out of 4 matches, and a special mention to Helen with an outstanding round of 44.

Playing against Helensville on the very challenging, dry, hilly course that is Whangaparaoa, you can rest assured that our team 'with promise' has come to fruition. Incredible coolness under pressure and some great shots kept us in the hunt. Lovely to watch!

The next match is at North Shore Golf Club on 10th March against Whangaparaoa.

-Prue Gard

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Don't Forget:

The Gobbler Competition is open for entries until the end of March. The sign-up sheet is on the 9-hole ladies' wall in the women's changing rooms. To join, see Jacquee with your $3 entry fee.

Subs Reminder: Annual subs have been sent out for the year ahead. Please ensure you pay these on time, as we have over 200 people on the waitlist, meaning if you don't keep your place, it will be handed to the next eager lady on the waitlist. If you're having trouble paying in full that's OK, please see Marlies in the office—a monthly payment option is available.

Open Day Invite for All - North Shore Golf Club

Please see the North Shore Golf Club Open Day flyer below. This is happening on Friday, 28th March. It's a great opportunity to try out one of their three courses and challenge yourself on a more undulating course. The views are superb too! Please note that the Open Day is combined with the North Harbour Interprovincial Championship.

To register and pay, click the link below: North Shore Golf Club Open Day Registration

See you all on the greens,

Penny and Sheridan


9 Hole Ladies Golf Committee


Penny Elliott - 021 969 982

Sheridan Alexander - 021 134 4048


Jacquee Pedrick - 021 032 4454

New Members Contact:

Laurie Gandras - 021 046 3374

Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
Waitemata Golf Club Facebook

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