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It was great to play with a couple of new faces this week and get to know more players and their backgrounds. I encourage you all to play with people you don't know and find out their stories. It makes for a much more supportive and fun environment in our 9-hole ladies club

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Upcoming Survey – Have Your Say!
Exciting news! Next week, we will send out a survey to all our 9-hole ladies. This is your chance to shape the future of our club! Your input is invaluable, so please share your thoughts and help create the club experience you want to see.

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History of Plates and Trophies – I Need Your Knowledge!
Someone has taken the time to donate a trophy, and I would like us all to know who or what we are playing for and keep this documented in the club. 

I aim to have this information available on our website, too. If you have any knowledge or stories about these trophies, please get in touch with me directly at Let's preserve our club's history together!

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Current Standings - Sue Bunt Salver 
It's a tight competition, with plenty of players within three shots of the lead! Here are the current leaders:
1.    Laurie Gandras – 66
2.    Judy Parsons – 66
3.    Joan Parish – 67
4.    Helen Harman – 67
5.    Maureen Proulx – 68
6.    Lola Anderson – 68
7.    Jessie Zhang – 68
8.    Sheridan Alexander – 69
9.    Liz Holt – 69
10.    Jacquee Pedrick – 69

The results for the Anne Old Putting Competition are still being tallied. I will have more updates soon. Keep up the great work on the greens, though. I was putting with more concentration, knowing I needed to count each putt! 

Remember to keep playing in the competitions every Tuesday. More participation means we can potentially advocate for more 9-hole ladies' slots in the future. I can't go to bat if we don't have the numbers to back up our requests. Remember, playing in the comps doesn't have to change how you approach the day—it's still all about enjoying your round your way.

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Golf Rule Reminder of the Week
Inspired by my 'army-style' golf on Tuesday (where I played on every fairway except the one I was supposed to be on), here's this week's rule reminder:
•    If another player from a different fairway comes onto your fairway, you have the right of way.

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New Member Mornings – First Tuesday of Every Month
We are now hosting New Member Mornings on the first Tuesday of every month at 9 a.m. Come along to the club café for a coffee and a run-through of the new member pack with Laurie and me; it won't take more than 20 minutes. We'll get you all set up and answer any questions you may have. The timing should work well: after school drop-off, outside of dire Lake Road traffic, and early enough to wag work without anyone knowing. 

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9-Hole Open Days 2025 – Save the Dates!
Mark your calendars for the region's Open Days over 2025. Open Days are a fantastic way to experience different courses and challenge yourself. 
•    North Shore GC – Friday, March 28 2025 (Hosting NH 9-Hole Ladies Provincial Champs)
•    Whangaparaoa GC – Friday, 11th April 2025
•    Pupuke GC – Friday, 9th May 2025
•    Warkworth GC – Friday, October 10 2025
•    Helensville GC – Friday, October 31 2025
•    Wainui GC – Thursday, November 20 2025

I look forward to seeing you all on the course and hopefully not on your fairway! Happy golfing.

Penny and Sheridan.

P.S. We have Pennants playing at our course on Monday, April 7. We need some volunteers to help greet people, be spotters and help after the game. Please get in touch with Sheridan or me if you can be part of the morning. 


9 Hole Ladies Golf Committee


Penny Elliott - 021 969 982

Sheridan Alexander - 021 134 4048


Jacquee Pedrick - 021 032 4454

New Members Contact:

Laurie Gandras - 021 046 3374

Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
Waitemata Golf Club Facebook

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